Fuel quay

General Information


    The marina maintains a listening watch on VHF Channel 80. Keep an eye on the large noticeboards in the entrance lobby which contains a wide variety of useful information from navigational warnings to taxi telephone numbers. Incoming mail may be collected from the reception and outgoing mail can be posted by the marina staff.


    A night patrol is in operation between 18:00 and 06:00, seven days a week. Please help us by making sure all loose items are locked away or secured. Annual berth holders are issued with security cards which are individually numbered. Visitors are issued with an entry PIN number for operation of the access gate to the pontoons and other facilities. This is changed regularly.

    The resident berth holders car park is protected by barriers and access is only possible with a valid security card. All other cars must use the larger general car park. Do not leave your vehicle in the unloading area at the rear of the main building.


    Hafan Pwllheli follows the guidelines issued by the Yacht Harbour Association and the British Marine Federation which recommends that all marina users have a minimum third party insurance of £5,000,000. A copy of the rules and regulations is available from the reception.

    If you employ an independent contractor to work on your boat, please advise us beforehand so we can ensure all necessary procedures and insurance requirements are followed correctly.

    Berth holders should satisfy themselves that they have taken all reasonable precautions against theft or damage. Cars and trailers are parked at their owner’s risk. All trailers and cradles should be clearly marked with the boat or owner’s name while they are stored on the company’s premises.


    We want to maintain the balance between recreational craft and environmental interests and we are committed to fulfilling our duties relating to conservation, regulation and enhancement of the marina and surroundings.

    We have strict rules covering:

    • Disposal of contaminated water from bilges or chemical toilets
    • Disposal of domestic waste, batteries, engine oil, paints and recycled items like glass, paper, plastic and cardboard
    • Removal of antifouling
    • Refuelling
    • Grit or sandblasting and use of pressure washers
    • Barbecues
    • Pets
    • Feeding local wildlife
    • Playing loud music

    If you are unsure about anything please ask at reception.


    All vessels within 100 metres of the harbour should not exceed the speed of 4 knots. In addition, please check your wash astern. The Harbourmaster monitors all traffic in the harbour.


    Use only good quality warps and protect them against chaffing within fairleads. Fenders should also be of good quality. They should be securely fastened and marked with the boat’s name. On the pontoons, the cleats are of cast quality so please do not use steel shackles to make fast to them. All halyards should be securely fastened to guard against excessive noise.


    All visiting vessels must vacate their berths by 12 noon on the day of departure. All visitor berthing to be paid in advance. Please notify the marina reception on your departure.

  • SLIPWAY   

    The marina slipway is reserved for registered commercial users only. No other vehicles or vessels are permitted on the slipway.


    The amenity building houses the berth holders’ toilets and showers. These are open throughout the year, except when closed for daily cleaning. We would appreciate your co-operation during these short periods. Separate facilities are available for the general public and those requiring disabled facilities.


    A launderette is available for use by berth holders and visitors throughout the year. This is located in the main amenity building. Both the washing machines and driers are card/app operated. A PIN number for the door can be obtained from reception.


    These are provided for the convenience of all berth holders. A £1 coin returnable deposit is required. Please return to the trolley park ready for the next berth holder. If, for whatever reason, a trolley falls into the water, please let the marina staff know immediately so we can recover it. Under no circumstances should children be allowed to ride in trolleys.


    All the pontoons have fresh water and the majority are equipped with electric power points. Please note that due to health & safety legislation customers are required to supply their own hosepipes and electricity cables.

  • 24/7 FUEL QUAY   

    Our self-service fuel quay serves both diesel and petrol. Open 24/7, it is located next to the lifting out dock (see marina plan). Payment can be made using any credit or debit card. Just follow the instructions on the pump.

    Diesel is provided at the HMRC standard 60:40 propulsion:heating split.

    There must be no fuelling on the pontoons. Boats must be taken to the fuel quay.


    A large skip is provided in the compound for disposing of all rubbish. There are also special containers for depositing waste oil, oil filters, old batteries, paints and solvents and glass. Please help keep the site clean and tidy. If you see any rubbish or spillages, inform the marina staff so they can deal with it.

  • GAS AND ICE   

    Ice and Camping Gaz cylinder exchanges may be purchased from the marina reception.


    Please download a copy of our Terms of Business & Regulations. All use of Hafan Pwllheli Harbour is subject to these regulations in addition to the Terms of Business of the British Marine Federation, of which the Harbour Authority (Gwynedd Council) is a member. A copy of the BMF Regulations is displayed on the notice board in reception.

    If you need further advice, guidance or information call the Hafan office on 01758 701219.


Hafan Pwllheli
Glan Don
LL53 5YT

Get in touch

  01758 701219

  VHF Ch80


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Hafan Pwllheli is owned by
Cyngor Gwynedd

© Copyright 2025 Hafan Pwllheli